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Find the latest publications issued by the Atlantic Centre and the National Defence Institute regarding our activity.​​

​​Policy Brief Issue 17​ | July 2024​

Geopolítica e Cooperação no Atlântico Sul​

Murilo Gomes da Costa​​​

Policy Brief Issue 16​ | April 2023

Desafios da Revitalização da Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul no Contexto da Década Oceânica (2021-2030)

Murilo Gomes da Costa


Policy Brief Issue 15​ | March 2023

The rebordering of human mobility in the Atlantic: the risky maritime route between Morocco and Portugal​

Susana de Sousa Ferreira

​​Policy Brief Issue 14​​ | November 2022

The transformation of Arctic geopolitics and its implications for the North Atlantic​​

Tomé Ribeiro Gomes​

Policy Brief Issue 13​​ | July 2022

Protecting subsea data cables in Europe and the Atlantic – Challenges of a new era

Christian Bueger, Rita Costa, Tobias Liebetrau, Licínia Simão, Timothy Walker​

​Policy Brief Issue 12​ | July 2022

Maritime Law Enforcement and Human Security at Sea​​​

Sofia Galani

​Policy Brief Issue 11​ | March 2022

Cabos submarinos e segurança cibernética no Atlântico​​

Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros e ​Danielle Jacon Ayres Pinto​

​Policy Brief Issue 10 | May 2021

Da vigilância das pescas à segurança marítima. A Xsealence no Golfo da Guiné

José Luís Neves

Policy Brief Issue 9 | May 2021

The EU: from West Africa to the wider Atlantic

Inês Cabral

​Policy Brief Issue 8 | February 2021

Contributo do Espaço para um conhecimento situacional integrado - O papel do Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST)

João Luís Reis Fidalgo Neves

Policy Brief Issue 7 | February 2021

NATO 2030 and the Atlantic Centre: enabling a potential cooperation in the maritime security domain

Rodrigues Pedra

Policy Brief Issue 6 | February 2021

Maritime Situational Awareness – the Portuguese Navy dual-use approach

Filipe Gonçalves Dias, João Fidalgo Neves, Victor Plácido da Conceição

Policy Brief Issue 5 | October 2020

A vision for the Atlantic Centre: Building up resilience and cooperative secu rity for a more secure ocean for all

Nuno Lemos Pires, Bruno Cardoso Reis, Licínia Simão

Policy Brief Issue 4 | October 2020

Maritime Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Henrique Portela Guedes

Policy Brief Issue 3 | October 2020

The geostrategic position of the Azores Archipelago and the current space race. Opportunities for Portugal

Pedro Miguel da Silva Costa

Policy Brief Issue 2 | May 2020

The Enabling Power of the Oceans and the Atlantic Center for Defence Capacity B​uilding

Antonio Ruy De Almeida Silva

​Policy Brief Issue 1 | May 2020

The role of a Centre for Peace and Security to combat violent extremism in the countries on the Atlantic coast of Africa

Andreas Velthuizen

​​Report n.º 4​ | October 2024​​​​

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the Atlantic Ocean​

​​Report n.º 3​ | November 2023​​

​​​Great Power Competition in the Atlant​ic​​

Report n.º 2 | October 2022

The capacity-building outlook in the Atlantic​

Pedro Seabra and Rita Costa​

​​Report n.º 1 | December 2021

Mapping EU maritime capacity-building in the Atlantic

Pedro Seabra and Rita Costa​

​IV Maritime Security Course Report | July 2024 ​

For more information on the IV Maritime Security course, visit the webpage here​

Ocean Regions Project - University of Pretoria | March 2023

The Rise of Ocean Regions: Governance Challenges for the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic​

IDN E-Briefing Papers | May 2022

​​Shifts in World Geopolitics: Cooperation and Competition in the Atlantic

IDN Cadernos nº 45 | October 2021

​​Atlantic Centre Third Seminar

IDN Cadernos nº 40 | March 2021

Atlantic Centre Second Seminar

​IDN Cadernos nº 38 | June 2020

Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building
