Find the latest publications issued by the Atlantic Centre and the National Defence Institute regarding our activity.
Geopolítica e Cooperação no Atlântico Sul
Murilo Gomes da Costa
Desafios da Revitalização da Zona de Paz e Cooperação do Atlântico Sul no Contexto da Década Oceânica (2021-2030)
Murilo Gomes da Costa
The rebordering of human mobility in the Atlantic: the risky maritime route between Morocco and Portugal
Susana de Sousa Ferreira
The transformation of Arctic geopolitics and its implications for the North Atlantic
Tomé Ribeiro Gomes
Protecting subsea data cables in Europe and the Atlantic – Challenges of a new era
Christian Bueger, Rita Costa, Tobias Liebetrau, Licínia Simão, Timothy Walker
Maritime Law Enforcement and Human Security at Sea
Sofia Galani
Cabos submarinos e segurança cibernética no Atlântico
Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros e Danielle Jacon Ayres Pinto
Da vigilância das pescas à segurança marítima. A Xsealence no Golfo da Guiné
José Luís Neves
The EU: from West Africa to the wider Atlantic
Inês Cabral
Contributo do Espaço para um conhecimento situacional integrado - O papel do Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST)
João Luís Reis Fidalgo Neves
NATO 2030 and the Atlantic Centre: enabling a potential cooperation in the maritime security domain
Rodrigues Pedra
Maritime Situational Awareness – the Portuguese Navy dual-use approach
Filipe Gonçalves Dias, João Fidalgo Neves, Victor Plácido da Conceição
A vision for the Atlantic Centre: Building up resilience and cooperative secu rity for a more secure ocean for all
Nuno Lemos Pires, Bruno Cardoso Reis, Licínia Simão
Maritime Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Henrique Portela Guedes
The geostrategic position of the Azores Archipelago and the current space race. Opportunities for Portugal
Pedro Miguel da Silva Costa
The Enabling Power of the Oceans and the Atlantic Center for Defence Capacity Building
Antonio Ruy De Almeida Silva
The role of a Centre for Peace and Security to combat violent extremism in the countries on the Atlantic coast of Africa
Andreas Velthuizen
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the Atlantic Ocean
Great Power Competition in the Atlantic
The capacity-building outlook in the Atlantic
Pedro Seabra and Rita Costa
Mapping EU maritime capacity-building in the Atlantic
IV Maritime Security Course Report | July 2024
For more information on the IV Maritime Security course, visit the webpage here
The Rise of Ocean Regions: Governance Challenges for the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic
Shifts in World Geopolitics: Cooperation and Competition in the Atlantic
Atlantic Centre Third Seminar
Atlantic Centre Second Seminar
Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building