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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Atlantic Centre will host its sixth seminar "VI Atlantic Centre Seminar", on October 31st, 2024, under the topic "Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU Fishing) in the wide Atlantic".

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing poses a significant threat to global maritime security. It creates significant harm to multiple domains, impacting both wildlife and its ecosystems while also affecting the livelihoods of vulnerable coastal communities.

IUU fishing is both a security as a social problem that produces negative effects which are felt throughout the Atlantic. In that respect, while underlining IUU as an Whole-of-Atlantic concern, it becomes clear that this issue creates an avoidable regional divide for Atlantic communities and States in a matter that ought to be addressed collectively and cooperatively.

In that matter, the Atlantic Centre and the Atlantic community will thus contribute to discuss and restore this issue to light. The IUU Fishing project aims to examine the current Atlantic challenges of IUU fishing and its connections to other domains. It aims to propose innovative and tangible ways forward, with a particular emphasis on the role of technology, capacity-building and international cooperation.

Moreover, the report is coordinated to submit the regional intricacies of the Whole-of-Atlantic community when faced with the threat of IUU Fishing. Trough this report, the Atlantic Community will understand the views of several Atlantic countries, while also understanding to what extent IUU impacts its regional theatres of action.

Lastly, it is the view of the Atlantic Centre and its member states that by producing this policy-oriented report that the Atlantic Community can reinforce the fight against IUU and therefore, contribute to safeguarding our shared Atlantic domain and its resources.

The VI Atlantic Centre Seminar will take place, in Lisbon, at the Nation al Defence Institute. Participation in the event is public, subject to prior online registration.

​​Please note that, due to logistical constraints, participation is limited to reserved seats, so it is not possible to guarantee the participation of all those registered.​
To register , send an e-mail to by 30 October, with the following details: name, nationality, position and institution in which you work and academic qualifications (if applicable).

The event is an initiative of the Atlantic Centre (AC) in partnership with the National Defence Institute (IDN) and with the endorsment of the Ministry of Defence.

The Secretary of State for National Defence, Ana Isabel Xavier, will close the 6th Atlantic Centre Seminar, which will be opened by the Secretary of State for Fisheries, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar.

​The theme of the 2024 seminar, 'Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Atlantic' was agreed unanesmaly by the Atlantic Centre's 23 member states for 2024.

It will feature Professor Christian Bueger as keynote speaker.

Professor of International Relations at the University of Copenhagen and a researcher at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). Widely recognised for his research on maritime security, including maritime crime, naval operations, maritime domain awareness and maritime security strategies.​

The Atlantic Centre Seminars are one of the annual key initiatives​​ of this Centre which, together with its partners, aims to engage civil society with topics and discussions related to the Atlantic, thus contributing to the creation of an Atlantic community of interests.​

   VI Seminar Programe​

The keynote speaker​, Professor Christian Bueger​, will address the topic “The Environment in the Collective Maritime Security Agenda”, followed by two panels dedicated to the presentation of the IV Atlantic Centre Report(1) “Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Atlantic​” and a third dedicated to the Atlantic Security Award​(2) research projects.

​The session will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation available in Portuguese, English, and French.​​

(1) The IV Atlantic Centre Report was a collective effort by various institutions from the Atlantic Centre member states, with contributions from researchers from Morocco, Colombia, Ghana, Brazil, Portugal, and the USA, who wrote on the topic of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in a multidisciplinary way, which is a relevant issue for Atlantic states.

​(2) The Atlantic Security Award is an initiative resulting from a partnership between the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), the Atlantic Centre and the National Defence Institute (IDN). learn more here​

​​​​​​VI At​lantic Centre Seminar - Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Atlantic​ (EN | PT​ | FR)



