Rear Admiral Nuno António de Noronha Bragança was born in Lisbon on June 15th, 1963. Having attended Naval School, he graduated in 1988. He specialised in Communications and Electronic Warfare, holds a Master's degree in Management and Organizational Behaviour and took, besides other courses, the ESDP Foundation Training Programme, the Joint General Staffs Course and the Promotion Course for General Officer.
He was the commanding officer of an OPV, the N.R.P. “Limpopo", having previously held positions on board of several naval units. Ashore, he was Commander of the Cadet Company of the Student Corps of the Naval Academy, Director of the Naval Radio Station of Ponta Delgada Azores and held a position at the Chief of the Navy Staff in the Personnel and Organization Division. He was Aide-de-Champ and Navy Military Advisor of His Excellency the President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio, Officer in the European Union Military Staff in Brussels, Director of the Navy Communications, Data and Cipher Centre in Lisbon.
Held the position of Commander of the Navy Headquarter Facilities, Head of the Resources Division of the Chief of Navy Staff and Chief of Cabinet of the Director General of Maritime Authority.
Between August 2018 and September 2019, he held the position of Commander of the Navy Permanent Task Group for West Africa, having commanded the National Force Deployed for the Open Sea Mission 18.2 and 19.1, developed in the Gulf of Guinea region.
He was, between February 2020 and July 2021, the Military Advisor to the National Defense Commission of the Portuguese Parliament having assumed on 30 July 2021 the position of Chief of Cabinet of the Admiral Chief of Navy Staff and National Maritime Authority.
In January 2022 took office as Deputy Director General of the Maritime Authority and Deputy Commander of the Maritime Police.
Appointed coordinator of the Atlantic Center Working Group on March 9, 2023.
His service record includes several commendations and national and foreign decorations.