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​​​​​Organograma CAIH

The organizational structure of the Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub will enable the accomplishment of its mission, enhancing the development of its activities and supporting the achievement of its proposed outcomes. It will be comprised of:

​Steering Committee - it is composed of representatives of each member of the CAIH, proportionate to their contributions, both in terms of the initial investment and for the Programme of Work (PoW).

Director – it is responsible for providing Direction and Management, it is responsible for directing all the CAIH's activities and its representation; is a member appointed from the different entities of the National Defence of Portugal.

Administration - it supports the Directorate, exercising legal advice, administrative coordination, protocol and communication, external relations and public relations.

Education Training and Exercises (ET&E) - it is responsible for the development and quality assurance of Education, Training and Exercise-related activities;

Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) and Industrial Development (IND. DEV.) - it is responsible for the development of activities related to industry and the promotion of cyber economy.


CAIH´s members will assume all the financial responsibilities arising from its implementation and functioning. The CAIH budget will be proposed to fulfil the execution of the approved annual Programme of Work (PoW), based on a burden sharing model.
