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​​​The Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub (CAIH) also has an EU dimension (EU-CAIH) translated into an EU Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project.

Currently, the EU-CAIH PESCO project has Spain as participating Member State (MS), and Belgium, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia, as observers, and Estonia, France, Germany, Romania, and Lithuania, as interested MS.

The EU-CAIH vision is that it will become an EU Centre of Excellence for Education and Training in cybersecurity and cyber defence, capable of promoting cooperation and innovation among its members, seeking synergies with other existing Cyber-related projects, including the Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platforms, the Cyber Rapid Response Teams and Mutual Assistance in Cybersecurity and the EU Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Centre.

As a PESCO project, the EU-CAIH can also complement the NCI Academy and other entities capabilities, by promoting the use of its products and services cooperatively. This project will also foster the ability of Universities and Industry to apply for EU funds in projects of common interest. In addition, the CAIH may provide an added value in the area of simulation, modelling and emulation of cooperative cyber defence and cybersecurity, available to the EU and NATO.

In coordination with the European Defence Agency and the Defence Industries - Portugal Defence, the  EU-CAIH project Kick-off meeting took place on the 24​ of May 2021, within the framework of an international seminar (“European Defence Economy"), organised by idD – Portugal Defence, on the occasion of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This meeting had the participation of PESCO representatives from MS that already expressed their receptivity to the project as well as from their respective Industrial Base and Technological and Scientific System.​
